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What now, Portland?

How do you think Portland can be a more just and equitable city for all?

Please take our anonymous survey in your preferred language.

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A message and invitation from the Board of PSA and the Complete City Committee.

Today, Portland is disconnected and incomplete in many ways.

Our mission encourages innovation and vision in the built environment of Greater Portland through education, advocacy, and engagement with community members, design professionals, and civic leaders.

But, for whom?

We, as professionals in the Portland design and construction community, can and must do a better job listening to the voices where systemic oppression materializes in the built form. We recognize the marginalization of Black communities has fundamentally and unfairly shaped American cities. We are committed to supporting those who call for equality and an end to all forms of discrimination in the built environment.

In the coming days and weeks, the focus of our actions will be to listen and learn directly from our community. We will leverage our network to open dialogue, beginning with questions:

What does an equitable vision of our community look like?

How can we create and encourage spatial justice in Portland?

How will the city mature and flourish to support those who have been historically marginalized in city development?

What questions have we not thought to ask?

This is the time to question and liberate existing spaces, challenge traditional design practices, and proactively engage and advocate for diverse communities in Portland and beyond.